
Superior Construction replaced a furnace charge table for NLMK, which included demolition of the existing table and installing new structural steel and structural grout. Leveraging our industrial crews who are accustomed to working in restricted work areas, we used complex rigging to complete the lifting of the charge table components. Due to the critical component the table has on daily operations, we worked around the clock to minimize downtime. Originally scheduled for nine days, we completed the project in seven, allowing NLMK to be back in production two days earlier than planned.

  • Location Porter County, Indiana
  • Owner Nieuwe Mensen Leren Kennen
  • Delivery Method Design-Bid-Build
  • Completion Year 2018
  • Contract Value $300,000

Project Highlights

  • Completed 2 days ahead of schedule
  • 24-hour crew shifts
  • 7-day project completion